Palavras que Brotam

27 setembro, 2007

Tem dias!

Há dias assim, em que nos sentimos extra-terrestres...figuras etéreas, pairando...
Estranhos a tudo e a todos, estranhamo-nos a nós mesmos e nem o nosso corpo nos parece compreender.
Há dias em que só nos apetece fugir para um lugar em que ninguém nos possa encontrar...apenas para ficarmos sozinhos e nos descobrirmos a nós próprios.
Nas alturas em que as profundezas são visitadas, uma música paira no ouvido, entranha-se no pensamento, acompanha as deambulações da alma, veste o estado de espírito, absorve e concentra o raciocínio...

"Wait in line
'Till your time
Ticking clock
Everyone stop

Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me
Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me

Do you believe
In what you see
There doesn't seem to be anybody else who agrees with me

Do you believe
In what you see
Motionless wheel
Nothing is real
Wasting my time
In the waiting line
Do you believe in
What you see

Nine to five
Living lies
EverydayStealing time
Everyone's taking everything they can
Everything they can
Everyone's taking everything they can
Everything they can

Do you believe
In what you feel
It doesn't seem to be anybody else who agrees with me

Do you believe
In what you see
Motionless wheel

Nothing is real
Wasting my time
In the waiting line
Do you believe
In what you see

Ah and I'll shout and I'll scream
But I'd rather not have seen
And i'll hide away for another day

Do you believe
In what you see
Motionless wheel
Nothing is real
Wasting my time
In the waiting line
Do you believe
In what you see

Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me
Different things to me
Different things to me
Different things to me

Everyone's taking everything they can
Everything they can"

In the waiting line - Zero 7
imagem: Sem Título, Keith Haring, 1981